My profile

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  1. First of all. I would like to introduce myself. I’m very proud to study this subject. My name is Kantikan Kumhoykan. My nickname is Kwan. I’m birthday is 20 February 1994. I’m eight-teen years old. I’m is Thai nationality.I’m wavy dark hair and olive-skinned. I’m studying in Mathayom 6 at Changklangpruchaunkul school. I’m from Nakhon sithammarat the south of Thailand. I live with my parents and brother. I live in Jundee. I’m fair, public mild and kind.
    My Email is
    My family has Four people.
    My father’s name is Pairoad Kumhoykan. His is gardener. He is 42 year old. He is preactical , diligent and economize.
    My mother’s name is Wadsana Kumhoykan. She is 41 year old. She is organized, preactical and responsible.
    My brother’s name is Kittisak Kumhoykan . He studies in prathom 4 at Watchandee school. He is ten years old. He is stubborn, impatient and funny. Our activity are tour and shopping.
    My favorite subject is math because it allows us to think and calculate numbers.
    My activity in freetime is reading the cartoon.
    I like food is fried rice.
    I like to feed a cat.
    I like to play badminton.
    My ambition is a teacher.
    My impression of the English.
    I like this Engilsh because I enjoy learning and can be used in everyday life. The teacher is friendly and kind.
    My motto : First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.
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